• Tree Myths: Arborwise Tree Service In Clearwater

    8 May 2023 | blog | admin

  • Arborwise Tree service in Clearwater touches on these common myths and sets out to debunk these myths! Read on to learn more!The root systems of tree roots extend below the ground.

    The tree’s large support root system tapers quickly into smaller roots. Most roots are found in the soil’s uppermost inches. Although some roots can reach several feet deep, most others are not found at greater depths than a few inches. Protecting the soil’s upper layers is crucial for tree health so they don’t need removal.

    To get the best value for my money, I should purchase the largest or most bushy tree at the nursery.

    Even though the tallest tree might be more sturdy than smaller ones in the same container, it could still be less strong. Tree trunk, branch, and root system structure are more important than aesthetics for long-term success. Many years later, tree failures are often caused by root systems or structural problems (trunk/branches).

    When planting a tree, it is important to have a strong stake and strong ties.

    Some nursery stock may need to be staked in order to stay upright. However, trees that can stand on their own merits should not be regularly staked. Problems that were not there before can be caused by improper or inefficient staking.

    Proper staking can be crucial when dealing with strong winds or weak trees. It can make all the difference between success and failure. A tree that is seriously damaged cannot be supported by any type of support system indefinitely. The stake should be considered temporary and used to help the tree grow its own strength. Once it is strong enough, it should be removed as soon as possible.

    Tree service In Clearwater

    Pruning shrubs and trees can help them to be more energetic.

    Pruning, especially severe pruning, can often stimulate dense and vigorous sprout growth. This vigorous growth takes a lot of energy from the tree, which weakens its natural defenses.

    Although there are many benefits to pruning, the loss of leaves can have a negative effect on the tree’s ability to photosynthesize. A reduction in foliage mass, even if it is small, can result in a decrease of tree’s ability to photosynthesize and reduce the tree’s energy availability for all its life processes.Tree Pruning

    Proactive techniques can maximize the pruning benefits while minimizing the negative effects. However, incorrect or severe pruning can increase the negative effects and reduce the benefits.

    Topping: The removal of the top portion of a main stem

    • The hazard potential for tall trees can be reduced by topping.
    • Trees in poor health and structure can be improved by topping.
    • It is not harmful to top a healthy tree.
    • Trees are not damaged by topping if done correctly.

    No matter what technique you use, topping causes serious injuries to trees and can have long-term structural problems. Here are some of the negative effects of topping

    • High hazard potential due to severe decay at the topping cuts and poorly attached regrowth quickly
    • Reduced energy production capacity of the tree and its resistance to insect and disease problems.
    • Rapid regrowth creates a denser crown of foliage, which requires frequent maintenance for retopping and restructuring.

    Concrete strength is used to fill in the cavities of trees and aid them in healing.

    The strength of a structure is not increased by filling cavities. This can lead to decay and damage. Tree cavities should be managed by the tree.

    Pruning close to the trunk and parent limbs will aid the tree in healing.

    Trees don’t heal because they don’t replace tissue lost, but instead cover injuries (e.g. Pruning cuts), with new wood layers. You can minimize decay and encourage wound closure by not piercing the tree trunk. Instead, keep the “branch collar”, which is the slightly elevated areas around the base of most branches.

    The safe installation of cables, bolts and other hardware will make a dangerous limb or tree secure.

    Hardware can sometimes be necessary in order to save a tree’s trunk, limbs, or entire tree. Trees are not guaranteed to always stand healthy, and cables, bolts, and other hardware installed in them will not eliminate structural weaknesses when keeping them up. They can be used only to reduce potential hazards. These hardware should be checked regularly and replaced or adjusted as needed.

    Chemicals, amendments, and other materials

    Tree seal/pain (or other tree wound dressings), prevents disease, decay, and insect infestations. They also help trees heal.

    Tree sealants (tars, paints and shellac) are available in a variety of forms, including shellac, shellac, and paints. These sealants (tar, paints, shellac, etc.) are not designed to prevent disease, decay, or insect infestations, nor promote the closing of wounds. Some evidence suggests that sealants can actually cause harm. Keep the wounds open so that the tree’s natural defenses can work as they are intended. These materials should be included in your tree service in Clearwater.

    A fungicide can be applied to a cavity or wound to prevent or stop decay.

    Trees prevent decay by creating internal chemical barriers during and after wounding. This process’s effectiveness will depend on the tree’s genetic makeup and their health at the time of injury. Treatments following injury (e.g. Tree paint, cutting out the decay, chemicals etc.) This is a dangerous process.

    Contact Arborwise Tree Service Today

    People are the worst enemy of trees! Tree damage is rarely intentional. More often, it is accidental. However, most tree damage occurs when the intention is to provide conscientious and responsible care. Be progressive when caring for your trees.Our team at Arborwise Tree Service in Clearwater is available to help you with tree care challenges of any kind. Contact us today for your quote on your lawn services such as:

    Check out our 5-star rating on Google and see why our clients choose Arborwise Tree Service for their tree service in Clearwater!